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Lunds universitet. Viktor Skoglund is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Viktor Skoglund and others you may know. Facebook gives Chalmers Studentkår Promotion. Författare :Magnus Skoglundh; Chalmers University of Technology; [] Nyckelord :​NATURVETENSKAP; NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; NATURAL  Professor of Catalysis, Chalmers University of Technology - ‪‪อ้างอิงโดย 9866 รายการ‬‬ - ‪Catalysis‬ - ‪Heterogeneous Catalysis‬ - ‪Surface Science‬  Sergey Kubatkin, professor och Samuel Lara Avila, docent på Chalmers. Uppsala University – first principle calculations, Magnus Skoglund, Chalmers  E-post: fö Tel: 031-772 97 00 (​växel) Jonny Skoglund 031-772 97 09 Magnus Nylander Ledamot, Göteborgs  Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander (Chalmers).

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The silver alumina catalyst is prepared by a single-step sol–gel method and characterized wit Chalmers University of Technology Magnus Skoglundh. The role of hydrogen in H2-assisted HC–SCR of NO x over Ag–Al2O3 is investigated by XPS and in situ DRIFT spectroscopy. 2010-03-03 Chalmers University of Technology Magnus Skoglundh. The reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to avoid further warming of the planet.

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Open Access icon. Desorption products  Magnus Skoglundh.


Magnus skoglundh chalmers

III. Magnus Skoglundh Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (39), (2012) 12762–12772. II. Influence of hydrothermal ageing on NH 3-SCR over Fe-BEA – Inhibition of NH 3-SCR by ammonia Soran Shwan, Radka Nedyalkova, Jonas Jansson, John Korsgren, Louise Olsson and Magnus Skoglundh Topics in Catalysis, 56 (2013) 80-88. III. Desorption products from zeolites with medium (MFI) and small (CHA) pores and with and without ion-exchanged copper were studied during linear heating after the pre-adsorption of methanol using a chemical flow reactor with a gas phase Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The methanol desorption profiles Boron silicate (BS) with a chabazite framework structure was synthesised using a direct route and rigorously characterized before it was ion-exchanged with copper to form Cu-BS. Employing in situ infrared spectroscopy, we show that Cu-BS is capable of oxidising methane to methoxy species and methanol interacts with We characterize the size and state of the silver species in a 2 wt% silver alumina catalyst, which is highly active for the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia or hydrocarbons as reductant. The silver alumina catalyst is prepared by a single-step sol–gel method and characterized wit Chalmers University of Technology Magnus Skoglundh.

Magnus skoglundh chalmers

Professor Magnus Skoglundh (left) and Associate Professor Per-Anders Carlsson have, together with research groups in Lund and Hamburg, demonstrated an x-ray-diffraction-based characterization method that uses high-energy photons to provide unexpected gains in data acquisition speed.
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10 okt. 2001 — Magnus Green, Göteborgs universitet tar upp vilka framgångsfaktorer som förklarar hur diskriminering Crister Skoglund: eller 08-​58 58 8117. DELA DENNA 25 mar |Chalmers tekniska högskola  av K Espmark · 2017 · Citerat av 2 — På andra sidan stod tretton forskare från Chalmers, SLU, Linnéuniversitetet och Helena Leander & Magnus.

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Adress: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB, Postnummer: 412 96, Telefon: 070-308 80 .. University: Chalmers University of Technology: Department: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Division: Applied surface chemistry: Keywords: Website Chalmers Magnus SKOGLUNDH, Professor of Catalysis and Director of the Competence Centre for Catalysis | Cited by 7,143 | of Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg | Read 237 publications | Contact Magnus Skoglundh är professor i katalys och en nyckelperson i Chalmers mycket framgångsrika forskning inom emissionskatalys. Han är föreståndare för Kompetenscentrum Katalys (KCK), ett av Europas främsta centra för forskning kring avgasrening. Add to Calendar 2020-10-29T11:00:00 2020-10-29T12:00:00 America/New_York Chemical Engineering Seminar: Dr Magnus Skoglundh Professor Magnus Skoglundh Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Applied Surface Chemistry Competence Centre for Catalysis Chalmers Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Methane Oxidation Catalysts Online ‪Professor of Catalysis, Chalmers University of Technology‬ - ‪‪Citerat av 9 893‬‬ - ‪Catalysis‬ - ‪Heterogeneous Catalysis‬ - ‪Surface Science‬ - ‪Environmental Science‬ Xueting Wang är en post-doc i Magnus Skoglundh’s forskargrupp. Hennes forskning fokuserar på heterogen katalys, särskilt zeolitbaserade material, för utsläppskontroll från dieselmotorer och hållbar kemisk produktion. Professor Magnus Skoglundh får Volvostipendium ons, mar 03, 2010 13:00 CET. Håkan Frisingers stiftelse för transportmedelsforskning utdelar idag, den 3 mars, sitt stipendium för 2009 till professor Magnus Skoglundh vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. 2010-03-03 · Professor Magnus Skoglundh receives Volvo award Today, on March 3, the Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research will present its award for 2009 to Magnus Skoglundh of Chalmers Chalmers forskningsinformation, projekt och publikationer för Mattias Englund.